Dr. Natalie Manginsay, BVSc, MAM, PhD, DACPV
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
- Associate Clinical Professor, Avian Medicine
Dr. Alejandro Banda, DVM, PhD, DACPV, DACVM
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
- Clinical Professor, Executive Director of MVRDLS
Dr. Brittany Baughman, DVM, MS, DACVP
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
- Clinical Professor & Director, CVM Diagnostic Laboratory
Dr. Phil Bushby, DVM, MS, DACVS
Clinical Sciences
- Professor
- Marcia Lane Endowed Chair of Humane Ethics and Animal Welfare
Dr. Russell Carr PhD
Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Center for Environmental Health Sciences
- Professor
Dr. Janice Chambers PhD
Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Center for Environmental Health Sciences
- William L. Giles Distinguished Professor/Director
Dr. Kristie Chavez, DVM
Clinical Sciences
- Assistant Clinical Professor Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
Dr. Alison Eddy, MA, DVM, DACVS (LA)
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
- Associate Clinical Professor
Dr. Robin Fontenot, DVM, DACVS (LA)
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
- Associate Clinical Professor
Dr. Matt Griffin, PhD
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
Delta R&E Center
Thad Cochran National Warmwater Aquaculture Center
- Research Professor
Dr. Gretchen Grissett-Hardwick, DVM, MS, DACVIM (large animal)
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
- Associate Clinical Professor
Brian Hicks, DVM
Animal Emergency and Referral Center
Dr. George (Trey) Howell III, PhD
Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Center for Environmental Health Sciences
- Associate Professor
Dr. Carla Huston, DVM, PhD, DACVPM
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
- Professor, Beef Extension Veterinarian
- Carla Huston
Clay Ivey, DVM
Animal Emergency and Referral Center
Dr. Michael Jaffe, DVM, MS, CCRP, DACVS
Clinical Sciences
- Associate Professor and Service Chief of Small Animal Surgery
Dr. Barbara Kaplan, PhD
Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Center for Environmental Health Sciences
- Associate Professor
Dr. Seth Kettleman, DVM, MS, DACVS-SA
Animal Emergency and Referral Center
Clinical Sciences
- Assistant Clinical Professor of Small Animal Surgery
Dr. Margaret Khaitsa, BVM, MS, PhD
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
- Professor
- Margaret Khaitsa
Dr. Lester Khoo, DVM, PhD
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
Thad Cochran National Warmwater Aquaculture Center
- Professor & Director
Dr. Andrew Mackin, BVMS, MVS, DVS, DACVIM
Clinical Sciences
Dean's Office
- Head, Department of Clinical Sciences
Dr. Cathleen Mochal-King, DVM, DACVS (LA)
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
- Associate Clinical Professor
- Terri Nusz Endowed Professor of Equine Surgery
Dr. Brittany Moore-Henderson, DVM
Clinical Sciences
- Assistant Dean for Admissions and Student Success, Director of Admissions and Recruitment, Assistant Clinical Professor
Dr. Caitlin O'Shea, DVM, MS, DACVS (LA)
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
- Assistant Clinical Professor
Dr. Alicia Olivier, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
Dean's Office
- Assoc Dean/Professor
Dr. Martha Pulido Landinez, DVM, MS, PhD, DACPV
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
- Associate Clinical Professor
Dr. Matthew Ross, PhD
Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Center for Environmental Health Sciences
- Professor
Darcie Sidelinger, DVM, DACT
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
Dr. David Smith, DVM, PhD
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
Office of Research and Graduate Studies
- Associate Dean and Professor
- Mikell and Mary Cheek Hall Davis Endowment for Beef Cattle Health and Reproduction
Dr. Jack Smith, DVM, DACT
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
Dean's Office
Academic Affairs
- Associate Dean & Assc Prof
Dr. Maural Sowlat
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
Thad Cochran National Warmwater Aquaculture Center
- Assistant Clinical Professor
Dr. Justin Stilwell, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
- Assistant Clinical Professor
Dr. Natalie Stilwell, DVM, MS, PhD
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
- Assistant Clinical Professor
Alyssa Sullivant, DVM, MS, DACVIM
Clinical Sciences
- Assistant Clinical Professor and Endowed Professor
Dawn Van Iderstine
Research and Economic Development
Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems
- Research Engineer I
Dr. Bryan Waldridge, DVM, MS, DABVP, DACVIM (LA)
Pathobiology and Population Medicine
- Associate Clinical Professor
Dr. Bridget Willeford
- Assistant Clinical Professor/Director
Joshlyn Winstead, DVM
Animal Emergency and Referral Center
Dr. Kimberly Woodruff DVM, MS, Dipl ACVPM, Dipl Epidemiology
Clinical Sciences
- Associate Clinical Professor of Clinical Epidemiology