Dr. Hossam Abdelhamed PhD
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Fish Diseases and Management, Benha University, 2012
- Master of Science (M.S.), Fisheries Management, , 2008
Research interests:
I conduct research on bacterial pathogens of fish including Edwardsiella ictaluri and Aeromonas hydrophila and I have research in the foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. I aim to understand the molecular pathogenesis and identify virulence factors. I employ comparative genomics, functional genomics, and molecular microbiology techniques, as well as next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics to evaluate the host-microbe interactions and answer bacterial pathogenesis questions.
Book, Chapter
- Efficient Gene Deletion Method for Listeria monocytogenes. Methods in Molecular Biology. 159-170. 2019
Conference Proceeding
- Application of plant bioactive compounds in catfish aquaculture. . CVM’s Annual Research Day. 2024
Journal Article
- Research Note: Evaluating the vertical transmission potential of Salmonella Reading in broiler breeders. Poultry Science. Volume 103, Issue 12, Page 104351. 2024
- Construction and characterization of bioluminescent Salmonella Reading outbreak and non-outbreak strains. Microbiology Spectrum. Pages e01263--24. 2024
- Research Note: Evaluating the vertical transmission potential of Salmonella Reading in broiler breeders. Poultry Science. Volume 103, Issue 12, Page 104351. 2024
- Tad pili contribute to the virulence and biofilm formation of virulent Aeromonas hydrophila. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. Volume 14. 2024
- Identification of genetic elements required for Listeria monocytogenes growth under limited nutrient conditions and virulence by a screening of a transposon insertion library. . Frontiers in Microbiology. Page 4030. 2022
- Role of FruR transcriptional regulator in virulence of Listeria monocytogenes and identification of its regulon. . Plos one. Volume 17, Issue 9, Page e0274005. 2022
- Virulence and live vaccine potential of Edwardsiella piscicida phoP and phoQ mutants in catfish against edwardsiellosis.. Journal of Fish Diseases. Volume 44, Issue 9, Pages 1463-1474. 2021
- Hemolysin Co-regulated Family Proteins Hcp1 and Hcp2 Contribute to Edwardsiella ictaluri Pathogenesis. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. Volume 8:681609. 2021
- Adaptive immune responses in channel catfish exposed to Edwardsiella ictaluri live attenuated vaccine and wild type strains through the specific gene expression profiles. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. Volume 116. 2021
- Dietary trans-cinnamaldehyde improves oxidative stress response of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) following Edwardsiella ictaluri infection. Aquaculture. Volume 532, Page 735985. 2021
- Live attenuated Edwardsiella ictaluri vaccines enhance the protective innate immune responses of channel catfish B cells. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. Volume 109. 2020
- Identification of Antimicrobial Resistance Determinants in Aeromonas veronii Strain MS-17-88 Recovered From Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus).. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. Volume 10, Page 348. 2020
- An Edwardsiella piscicida esaS mutant reveals contribution to virulence and vaccine potential. Microbial Pathogenesis. Volume 143. 2020
- Contributions of a LysR transcriptional regulator to listeria monocytogenes virulence and identification of its regulons. Journal of Bacteriology. Volume 202, Issue 10. 2020
- Edwardsiella ictaluri evpP is required for colonisation of channel catfish ovary cells and necrosis in anterior kidney macrophages. Cellular Microbiology. Volume 22, Issue 3. 2020
- The role of denitrification genes in anaerobic growth and virulence of Flavobacterium columnare. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2020
- Effects of florfenicol feeding on diversity and composition of the intestinal microbiota of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Aquaculture Research. Volume 50, Issue 12, Pages 3663-3672. 2019
- Characterization of a Novel Conjugative Plasmid in Edwardsiella piscicida Strain MS-18-199.. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology. Volume 9, Page 404. 2019
- Effects of Live Attenuated Vaccine and Wild Type Strains of Edwardsiella ictaluri on Phagocytosis, Bacterial Killing, and Survival of Catfish B Cells. Frontiers in Immunology. Volume 10. 2019
- Validation of predicted virulence factors in listeria monocytogenes identified using comparative genomics. Toxins. Volume 11, Issue 9. 2019
- Comparative genomics of Aeromonas veronii: Identification of a pathotype impacting aquaculture globally.. PloS one. Volume 14, Issue 8, Page e0221018. 2019
- Evaluating bacterial colonization of a developing broiler embryo after in ovo injection with a bioluminescent bacteria. Poultry science. Volume 98, Issue 7, Pages 2997-3006. 2019
- Antibacterial activities of trans-cinnamaldehyde, caprylic acid, and β-resorcylic acid against catfish pathogens. Aquaculture. Volume 504, Pages 334-344. 2019
- Transposon mutagenesis and identification of mutated genes in growth-delayed Edwardsiella ictaluri. BMC Microbiology. Volume 19, Issue 1. 2019
- Complete genome sequence data of multidrug-resistant Aeromonas veronii strain MS-18-37.. Data in Brief. Volume 23, Page 103689. 2019
- Assessment of the live attenuated and wild-type edwardsiella ictaluri-induced immune gene expression and langerhans-like cell profiles in the immune-related organs of catfish. Frontiers in Immunology. Volume 10, Issue MAR. 2019
- Comparative genomics of Aeromonas hydrophila secretion systems and mutational analysis of hcp1 and vgrG1 genes from T6SS. Frontiers in Microbiology. Volume 10, Issue JAN. 2019
- Recombinant ATPase of virulent aeromonas hydrophila protects channel catfish against motile aeromonassepticemia. Frontiers in Immunology. Volume 10, Issue JULY. 2019
- Universal stress proteins contribute Edwardsiella ictaluri virulence in catfish. Frontiers in Microbiology. Volume 9, Issue NOV. 2018
- Taxonomic and functional metagenomic profile of sediment from a commercial catfish pond in Mississippi. Frontiers in Microbiology. Volume 9, Issue NOV. 2018
- Development and characterization of a novel live attenuated vaccine against enteric septicemia of catfish. Frontiers in Microbiology. Volume 9, Issue AUG. 2018
- Complete genome sequence of multidrug-resistant Edwardsiella ictaluri strain MS-17-156. Genome Announcements. Volume 6, Issue 22. 2018
- Complete genome sequence of multidrug-resistant Plesiomonas shigelloides strain MS-17-188. Genome Announcements. Volume 6, Issue 18. 2018
- Construction and evaluation of type III secretion system mutants of the catfish pathogen Edwardsiella piscicida. Journal of Fish Diseases. Volume 41, Issue 5, Pages 805-816. 2018
- Phagocytic and bactericidal properties of channel catfish peritoneal macrophages exposed to Edwardsiella ictaluri live attenuated vaccine and wild-type strains. Frontiers in Microbiology. Volume 8, Issue JAN. 2018
- The virulence and immune protection of Edwardsiella ictaluri HemR mutants in catfish. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. Volume 72, Pages 153-160. 2018
- Evaluation of three recombinant outer membrane proteins, OmpA1, Tdr, and TbpA, as potential vaccine antigens against virulent Aeromonas hydrophila infection in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Fish Shellfish Immunol. Volume 66, Pages 480-486. 2017
- Listeria monocytogenes PdeE, a phosphodiesterase that contributes to virulence and has hydrolytic activity against cyclic mononucleotides and cyclic dinucleotides. Microb Pathog. Volume 110, Pages 399-408. 2017
- The role of Edwardsiella ictaluri TonB mutant in Edwardsiella ictaluri virulence. Frontiers in Physiology. Volume 8, Issue DEC. 2017
- Improving safety of a live attenuated Edwardsiella ictaluri vaccine against enteric septicemia of catfish and evaluation of efficacy. Veterinary Microbiology. Volume 210, Pages 83-90. 2017
- Characterization of histopathological and ultrastructural changes in channel catfish experimentally infected with virulent Aeromonas hydrophila. Frontiers in Microbiology. Volume 8, Issue AUG. 2017
- Evaluation of three recombinant outer membrane proteins, OmpA1, Tdr, and TbpA, as potential vaccine antigens against virulent Aeromonas hydrophila infection in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Fish and Shellfish Immunology. Volume 66, Pages 480-486. 2017
- The role of Listeria monocytogenes cell wall surface anchor protein LapB in virulence, adherence, and intracellular replication. Microb Pathog. Volume 92, Pages 19-25. 2016
- Protective efficacy of four recombinant fimbrial proteins of virulent Aeromonas hydrophila strain ML09-119 in channel catfish. Veterinary Microbiology. Volume 197, Pages 8-14. 2016
- Ferric hydroxamate uptake system contributes to Edwardsiella ictaluri virulence. Microbial Pathogenesis. Volume 100, Pages 195-200. 2016
- Identification of Langerhans-like cells in the immunocompetent tissues of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. Volume 58, Pages 253-258. 2016
- Involvement of tolQ and tolR genes in Edwardsiella ictaluri virulence. Microbial Pathogenesis. Volume 100, Pages 90-94. 2016
- The role of Listeria monocytogenes cell wall surface anchor protein LapB in virulence, adherence, and intracellular replication. Microbial Pathogenesis. Volume 92, Pages 19-25. 2016
- A novel suicide plasmid for efficient gene mutation in Listeria monocytogenes. Plasmid. Volume 81, Pages 1-8. 2015
- Identification of high-risk Listeria monocytogenes serotypes in lineage I (serotype 1/2a, 1/2c, 3a and 3c) using multiplex PCR. Journal of Applied Microbiology. Volume 119, Issue 3, Pages 845-852. 2015
- Tissue persistence and vaccine efficacy of tricarboxylic acid cycle and one-carbon metabolism mutant strains of Edwardsiella ictaluri. Vaccine. Volume 32, Issue 31, Pages 3971-3976. 2014
- Effect of multiple mutations in tricarboxylic acid cycle and one-carbon metabolism pathways on Edwardsiella ictaluri pathogenesis. Veterinary Microbiology. Volume 169, Issue 1-2, Pages 107-112. 2014
- Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle and One-Carbon Metabolism Pathways Are Important in Edwardsiella ictaluri Virulence. PLoS ONE. Volume 8, Issue 6. 2013
- Construction and evaluation of an Edwardsiella ictaluri fhuC mutant. Veterinary Microbiology. Volume 162, Issue 2-4, Pages 858-865. 2013
Published Abstract
- Evaluating the vertical transmission potential of Salmonella Reading outbreak and non-outbreak Strains. 2024 International Poultry Scientific Forum. 2024
Oral Presentation
- "Unraveling the Role of the Tight Adherence (Tad) Operon in Pathogenicity of Epidemic Aeromonas hydrophila." Amer Soc Microbiol S Central Annual Branch Mtg, American Society for Microbiology, Little Rock, AR. 2023
- "Development of live attenuated Aeromonas hydrophila vaccine candidates. ." Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD. 2021), Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD. 2021), Chicago, IL. 2021
- "Identification of genetic mechanisms of antimicrobial resistant in aquaculture pathogens." Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD. 2021), Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD. 2021), Chicago, IL. 2021
- "Trans-cinnamaldehyde as an antimicrobial feed additive to control and prevent enteric septicemia of catfish.." Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD. 2021), Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD. 2021), Chicago, IL. 2021
- "Role of branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase (BKD) complex in Listeria monocytogenes virulence." CVM Research Day, Nutramax/CVM ORGS, MS State, MS. 2021
- "Genetic Mechanisms of AMR in Aquaculture Pathogens.." Technical Seminar on Aquaculture Biosecurity: Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance in Aquaculture., Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN, Virtual. 2021
- "Evaluating the vertical transmission potential of Salmonella Reading outbreak and non-outbreak strains." International Poultry Scientific Forum, Southern Poultry Science Society, Atlanta, Georgia . 2024
- "Characterization of the Role of fruR in Listeria monocytogenes Virulence and Identification of Its Regulons." IMED 2021, International Society for Infectious Diseases, Virtual. 2021
- "Role of LysR-type transcriptional regulators in Listeria monocytogenes virulence." CVM Research Day, Nutramax/CVM ORGS, MS State, MS. 2021