Dr. Janice Chambers PhD
- William L. Giles Distinguished Professor/Director
Office: (662) 325-1255
Wise Center - R1102
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Animal Physiology, Mississippi State University, 1973
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Biology, University of San Francisco, 1969
- Effects of Chronic Exposures to Pesticides on Animal Systems. 1982
Conference Paper
- Modeling the interaction of mixtures of organophosphorus insecticides with cholinesterase. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. Volume 10, Pages 89-99. 2002
Journal Article
- In vitro age-related differences in rats to organophosphates.. Toxicology in vitro. Volume 72, Page 105102. 2021
- Association of serum levels of p,p'- Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) with type 2 diabetes in African American and Caucasian adult men from agricultural (Delta) and non-agricultural (non-Delta) regions of Mississippi. J Toxicol Environ Health A. Volume 82, Issue 6, Pages 387-400. 2019
- Novel Brain-Penetrating Oxime Acetylcholinesterase Reactivators Attenuate Organophosphate-Induced Neuropathology in the Rat Hippocampus.. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology. Volume 169, Issue 2, Pages 465-474. 2019
- A case-control study: The association of serum paraoxonase 1 activity and concentration with the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. Volume 34, Issue 3. 2018
- Effects of chlorpyrifos or methyl parathion on regional cholinesterase activity and muscarinic receptor subtype binding in juvenile rat brain. Journal of Toxicology and Pharmacology. Volume 1, Page 018. 2017
- Association of type 2 diabetes mellitus with plasma organochlorine compound concentrations. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. Volume 26, Issue 2, Pages 207-13. 2016
- Comparison of inhibition kinetics of several organophosphates, including some nerve agent surrogates, using human erythrocyte and rat and mouse brain acetylcholinesterase. Toxicol Lett.. Volume 248, Pages 39-45. 2016
- Comparison of inhibition kinetics of several organophosphates, including some nerve agent surrogates, using human erythrocyte and rat and mouse brain acetylcholinesterase. Toxicology letters. Volume 248, Page 39–45. 2016
- Efficacy of novel phenoxyalkyl pyridinium oximes as brain-penetrating reactivators of cholinesterase inhibited by surrogates of sarin and VX. Chemico-Biol.. Interact. Volume 259, Pages 154-159. 2016
- Novel brain-penetrating oximes for reactivation of cholinesterase inhibited by sarin and VX surrogates. Ann N Y Acad Sci.. Volume 1374, Pages 52-58. 2016
- Novel substituted phenoxyalkyl pyridinium oximes enhance survival and attenuate seizure-like behavior of rats receiving lethal levels of nerve agent surrogates. . Toxicology. Volume 339, Pages 51-57. 2016
- Efficacy of novel phenoxyalkyl pyridinium oximes as brain-penetrating reactivators of cholinesterase inhibited by surrogates of sarin and VX.. Chemico-biological interactions. Volume 259, Issue Pt B, Pages 154-159. 2016
- Exposure to p,p'-DDE Alters Macrophage Reactivity and Increases Macrophage Numbers in Adipose Stromal Vascular Fraction. Toxicological Sciences. Volume 150, Issue 1, Pages 169-177. 2016
- Exposure to p,p'-DDE Alters Macrophage Reactivity and Increases Macrophage Numbers in Adipose Stromal Vascular Fraction.. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology. Volume 150, Issue 1, Pages 169-77. 2016
- The association of serum trans-nonachlor levels with atherosclerosis.. Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A. Volume 79, Issue 5, Pages 210-20. 2016
- Exposure to p,p'-DDE enhances differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes in a model of sub-optimal differentiation. Toxicology Letters. Volume 238, Issue 2, Pages 65-71. 2015
- Effect of chronic p,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) exposure on high fat diet-induced alterations in glucose and lipid metabolism in male C57BL/6H mice. Toxicology. Volume 328, Pages 112-122. 2015
- Species differences in paraoxonase mediated hydrolysis of several organophosphorus insecticide metabolites.. Journal of Toxicology. Volume 2015, Page 470189. 2015
- Paraoxonase 1 polymorphisms within a Mississippi USA population as possible biomarkers of enzyme activities associated with disease susceptibility. Biochem Genet. Volume 52, Issue 11-12, Pages 509-23. 2014
- Exposure to p,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) induces fasting hyperglycemia without insulin resistance in male C57BL/6H mice. Toxicology. Volume 320, Pages 6-14. 2014
- Relationship of human paraoxonase-1 serum activity and genotype with atherosclerosis in individuals from the Deep South. Pharmacogenet Genomics. Volume 21, Issue 12, Pages 867-875. 2011
- Developmental chlorpyrifos and methyl parathion exposure alters radial-arm maze performance in juvenile and adult rats.. Toxicological Sciences. Volume 109, Issue 1, Pages 132-42. 2009
- Altered muscarinic acetylcholine receptor subtype binding in neonatal rat brain following exposure to chlorpyrifos or methyl parathion.. Toxicological Sciences. Volume 100, Issue 1, Pages 118-27. 2007
- The effects of repeated oral exposures to methyl parathion on rat brain cholinesterase and muscarinic receptors during postnatal development.. Toxicological Sciences. Volume 76, Issue 2, Pages 400-6. 2003
- Effects of PCB exposure on the toxic impact of organophosphorus insecticides.. Toxicological Sciences. Volume 67, Issue 2, Pages 311-21. 2002
- Biomarkers as predictors in health and ecological risk assessment. . Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 165-176. 2002
- Effects of repeated oral postnatal exposure to chlorpyrifos on open-field behavior in juvenile rats.. Toxicological Sciences. Volume 59, Issue 2, Pages 260-7. 2001
- Changes in rat brain cholinesterase activity and muscarinic receptor density during and after repeated oral exposure to chlorpyrifos in early postnatal development.. Toxicological Sciences. Volume 51, Issue 2, Pages 265-272. 1999
- The interaction of chlorinated alicyclic insecticides with brain GABA(A) receptors in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus).. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A. Volume 56, Issue 8, Pages 543-553. 1999
- Selective toxicity of chlorpyrifos to several species of fish during an environmental exposure: Biochemical mechanisms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Volume 16, Issue 11, Pages 2369-2374. 1997
- Kinetic analysis of the in vitro inhibition, aging, and reactivation of brain acetylcholinesterase from rat and channel catfish by paraoxon and chlorpyrifos-oxon.. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. Volume 139, Issue 2, Pages 365-73. 1996
- Biochemical mechanisms contributing to species differences in insecticidal toxicity.. Toxicology. Volume 105, Issue 2-3, Pages 291-304. 1995
- Inhibition and aging of channel catfish brain acetylcholinesterase following exposure to two phosphorothionate insecticides and their active metabolites.. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Volume 45, Issue 3, Pages 325-336. 1995
- Inhibition patterns of brain acetylcholinesterase and hepatic and plasma aliesterases following exposures to three phosphorothionate insecticides and their oxons in rats.. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology. Volume 21, Issue 1, Pages 111-119. 1993
- Acute effects of the organophosphate paraoxon on schedule-controlled behavior and esterase activity in rats: dose-response relationships.. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. Volume 40, Issue 4, Pages 929-936. 1991
- Physiological effects of crude oil exposure in the striped mullet, Mugil cephalus. . 1976
- The relationship of esterases to organophosphorus insecticide tolerance in mosquitofish. . 1976
- Variation in enzyme activities of the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica) relative to size and season. . 1975
- Parathion and methyl parathion toxicity to insecticide-resistant and -susceptible mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). . 1974
- Organophosphate degradation by insecticide-resistant and -susceptible populations of mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). . 1973
- "Centrally active novel substituted phenoxyalkyl pyridinium oxime reactivators that demonstrate neural protection in rats." 20th Biennial USA Medical Defense Bioscience Review 2016, USA Medical Defense Bioscience Review, Baltimore, MD. 2016
- "Novel substituted phenoxyalkyl pyridinium oxime reactivators provide improved survival and decreased time to cessation of seizure-like behavior for three organophosphates in rats." 20th Biennial USA Medical Defense Bioscience Review 2016, USA Medical Defense Bioscience Review, Baltimore, MD. 2016
- "Analysis of rat brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) reactivation by novel oximes and pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM) after inhibition with a cyclosarin surrogate." 55th Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting, Toxicologist, New Orleans, LA. 2016
- "Effect of a novel brain-penetrating oxime reactivator on sarin surrogate-induced changes in inflammatory factor gene expression in the rat piriform cortex." 55th Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting, Toxicologist, New Orleans, LA. 2016
- "In vitro inhibition/reactivation of rat serum butyrylcholinesterase after exposure to nerve agent surrogates and OP insecticidal oxons." 55th Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting, Toxicologist, New Orleans, LA. 2016
- "Novel substituted phenoxyalkyl pyridinium oximes enhance survival of rats receiving lethal levels of nerve agent surrogates and paraoxon." 55th Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting, Toxicologist, New Orleans, LA. 2016