Faculty Mentors

Dr. Debra Moore and a student treat a turtle.

Funding support for the program is provided primarily through Boehringer-Ingelheim (Veterinary Scholars Program) and NIH (T35 program). Our NIH T35 award is jointly administered with Tuskegee University College of Veterinary Medicine (TUCVM). We encourage MSU CVM and TUCVM students to explore potential mentors at both schools who might best fit their research interests (see faculty mentor lists below).

The key to success of the Vet Med Research Scholars (VMRS) program is the close collaboration of outstanding students with dedicated, competent scientists.

A list of the program's mentors and their research areas are provided at the following link:

2025 Mentor List


To learn more about the TUCVM's Scholars Program please click the following link:


Tuskegee Veterinary Scholars Program